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Insights Portal


We are excited to announce that we have integrated reporting dashboards into our main software platform, Leap. This change is aimed at providing a more streamlined and cohesive experience for accessing all your account information, including reporting dashboards, briefs, and other essential features.

The existing Insights Portal will no longer be available, it has been replaced by Leap as the only way to now view the dashboards available to you.

This document will guide you through this transition and help you navigate the new setup.

Logging into Leap

To access your dashboards and other account information, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Login Page: Go to the Leap login page at Leap Login.
  1. Enter Your Email: In the 'Email address' field, enter your existing business email address. We should have already set you up for access.

  2. Continue with Email: Click on the "Continue with email" button. This will send you an email with a magic link/code and instructions on what to do next to log in.

Accessing Your Dashboards

Once logged in, you can access your reporting dashboards through the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Insights Section: In the top navigation bar, click on 'Insights'.

  2. Select Your Dashboard: If you have more than one dashboard a dropdown menu will appear for you to select a dashboard from.

  1. View Your Data: The selected dashboard will open in a new browser tab, allowing you to view and analyse your data as usual.

Additional Features

In addition to accessing your dashboards, Leap allows you to:

  • View and Create Briefs: Easily manage your projects by viewing existing briefs and creating new ones.
  • See Active Campaigns: Easily monitor your active campaigns and keep track of their status in real-time.
  • Access Account Information: Have a comprehensive view of all information related to your account in one place.


If you encounter any issues while logging in or navigating the new setup, please contact your account manager and they can help answer any queries.